Ace the Florida Real Estate Exam 2024 – Unlock Your Agent Superpowers!

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Question: 1 / 50

Regulation Z codifies the rules of the ______.

Equal Credit Opportunity Act

Home Mortgage Disclosure Act

Real Estate Settlement Procedures Act

Truth in Lending Act

Regulation Z, also known as the Truth in Lending Act, implements and adds additional details to the law requiring lenders to disclose the cost and terms of credit. The Equal Credit Opportunity Act (A) prohibits credit discrimination based on race, color, religion, national origin, sex, marital status, age, or because you receive public assistance. The Home Mortgage Disclosure Act (B) ensures that lenders provide information about their lending practices, including data on the geographic distribution of their residential loans. The Real Estate Settlement Procedures Act (C) requires lenders to provide certain disclosures to borrowers regarding the costs of closing and prohibits certain practices such as kickbacks. While all of these laws are important to consumer lending, Regulation Z specifically focuses on the disclosure of credit terms and costs, making D the correct answer.


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